FMCS Information Exchange Committee

Newsletter: John JENKINSON - Clinton, Tennessee - (
Journal: Gregory COPE - North Carolina State University - (

Wendell R. HAAG - US Forest Service - (
Dave BERG - Department of Biology, Miami University - (

Statement of Organization and Purpose

The development and distribution of scientific, technical, and non-technical information among Society members, natural resource managers, policy and other decision makers, and to the public at-large are vital functions of this committee. Specifically, the Information Exchange Committee has oversight of FMCS web pages, the Society's journal Walkerana-The Journal of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society, and the newsletter Ellipsaria.

Walkerana - The Journal of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society

Walkerana, initially founded in 1980 and edited by Dr. John Burch, was published by the University of Michigan until it transitioned to the auspices of the FMCS in 2011, and it is now the Society's online-only journal. The first volume published by FMCS was in 2012. Issues are published two times per year, in March and September. Anyone may submit a manuscript to the journal, but non-FMCS members must first register and obtain a user name and password to access the manuscript upload web page. Non-members can use the link at the bottom of this page, the Join or Walkerana links from the main Home page to become an "Author-Non Member". However, all non-member authors are encouraged to join the Society to help defer the costs of publication. There are no page charges for publishing in Walkerana. Members simply use their established user name and password to access the manuscript upload web page. Articles addressing all aspects of the biology of freshwater mollusks are welcomed, including but not limited to, ecology, physiology, toxicology, reproduction, propagation, conservation, and restoration. Status and distributional surveys are acceptable provided that they have heuristic value and are used to compare previous studies and results; a simple list of taxa encountered is not acceptable. Brief notes and observations of a parochial nature are not acceptable and should be submitted to the Society's newsletter Ellipsaria. Access to the current issue is open only to FMCS members with a valid user name and password. All back issues are open-access.


Ellipsaria is the newsletter of the FMCS. It includes Society news, meeting presentation abstracts, job postings, meeting notices, publication announcements, informal articles about ongoing research, and comments on current issues affecting freshwater mollusks. This format evolved from the Triannual Unionid Report, an informal newsletter distributed for several years prior to formation of the FMCS.

Ellipsaria is posted on the FMCS web site quarterly, in March, June, September, and December. Contributions may be submitted at any time but are due by the 15th of the month before each issue is posted (i.e., February 15, May 15, etc.). Anyone may submit material for inclusion in Ellipsaria; however, only FMCS members with a valid user name and password can access the current issue online. All back issues are open-access. Ellipsaria became an online-only newsletter in 2011 and is no longer printed and distributed through the mail.

Information for possible inclusion in Ellipsaria should be submitted electronically via e-mail to the editor, John Jenkinson, at MSWord is optimal for text documents but the editor may be able to convert other formats. Graphics should be in MSExcel, PhotoShop, TIF, GIF, BMP, or EPS format; again, the editor may be able to translate other formats. Please limit the length of informal articles to one page of text. Note that submissions are not peer reviewed but are checked for clarity and appropriateness for this newsletter.

Feel free to contact the editor with any questions about possible submissions or transmission concerns:
surface mail: Ellipsaria Editor, 305 Revere Avenue, Clinton, TN, USA 37716.