Tamara SMITH - (
Statement of Organization and Purpose
“FMCS encourages participation by all individuals regardless of age, culture, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, national origin, physical or mental difference, politics, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or subculture. We aim to cultivate a society built on mutual respect and strive for a welcoming environment for all. FMCS promotes diversity in all areas of societal activity, including fostering diversity in membership, leadership, committees, outreach, public engagement, and recruitment.”
FMCS is horrified by the unjust killings of Black people who died from deep racism plaguing our country. While the injustices that Black people have endured for hundreds of years have sparked these recent conversations, we also recognize that other underrepresented groups have historically faced discrimination and continue to do so today.
Attached please find the FMCS position statement on social injustice.
o Diversify the FMCS membership base.
o Entrench diversity and inclusion as a core value of FMCS.
o Provide resources to encourage participation of underrepresented groups.
• If you are interested in participating in the D&I ad hoc-committee, contact Tam SMITH at
o Secured a Diversity Speaker at the 2019 Symposium - Erica Prosper-Nirenberg
o Added featured member photos and quotes on the FMCS website!
o Compiled a list of online resources
o Completed baseline voluntary demographic survey
o Wrote an Ellipsaria article summarizing the demographic survey
o Participated in symposium planning meetings to ensure DEI issues were represented and considered
o Together with FMCS leadership, wrote a racial justice statement
o Secured a plenary speaker for 2021 Virtual Symposium
o Secured a plenary speaker for the 2020 Symposium
o Finalizing a strategic plan
o Continue to create content for FMCS social media to keep DEI issues on the forefront of FMCS members
o Continue to add member photos and quotes to the FMCS website
Find the tally of responses to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion survey conducted last fall in our March Ellipsaria article
Jennifer Archambault, Alia Benedict, Adam Benshoff, Katie Bockrath, Megan Bradley, Jennifer Bronson-Warren, Jamie Bucholz, Brian Carlson, Barrett Clark, Jer Pin Chong, Sara Craft, Traci DuBose, Heidi Dunn, Curt Elderkin, Kaelyn Fogelman, David Foltz, Alex Franzen, Amanda Goldsmith, Mark Hove, Kentaro Inoue, Lisie Kitchel, Danielle Kreeger, Alison McClear, Erin McCombs, Megan Michael, Leah Morgan, Brittany Muncy, Matthew Patterson, John Pfeiffer, Anna Pieri, Makayla Plekes, Dylan Powell, Xenia Rangaswami, Hugo Ruellan, Clam Shitanaka, Ayla Skorupa, Tamara Smith, Lesley Sneed, Chris Staron, Nora Straquadine, Emily Terrell, Jeremy Tiemann, Sarah Veselka, Julia Willsie, Jessica Woodall, and Daelyn Woolnough.