Minnesota was pleased to host the 2005 Symposium of the Freshwater
Mollusk Conservation Society. The meeting was co-hosted by the Upper
Mississippi River Conservation Committee (UMRCC). Field trips to sample
local river mussel communities and to see the results of endangered
species recovery efforts were offered.
"Are Your Natives Restless? Holistic
Strategies for Conserving Freshwater Mollusks during Exotic Species Invasions"
The invasion of exotic species into the freshwaters of North America
and elsewhere in the world has placed additional stress on an already
imperiled freshwater mollusk fauna. Vital ecosystems for preserving
freshwater mollusks like the Mississippi, Ohio, Tennessee, and other
large rivers unfortunately also serve as conduits for the rapid
dispersal and colonization of exotic species, where they often have
adverse effects on native species. Scientists from a variety of
disciplines including ecology, fisheries biology, malacology,
conservation biology, engineering, hydrology, and others are working
together to help mitigate the potential spread and negative effects of
exotic species. These folks need your help! The 2005 symposium will
provide an opportunity for biologists and others to share ideas,
exchange information, and engage in the interpersonal networking needed
to support the conservation of our native freshwater molluscan
Best Student Platform Presentation: Daniel Spooner,
University of Oklahoma - "Physiological ecology of freshwater mussel
communities: effects of temperature on community structure and
ecological services"
Honorable mention: Pascal Irmscher,
University of Wisconsin -
"The use of acoustic doppler current profiler system in acquiring
complex hydraulic variables for the prediction of freshwater mussel
distribution in a large river"
Best Student Poster Presentation: Elizabeth Ashcraft,
Arkansas State University - "Use of relic shells to determine time
since mortality"
Honorable mention: Benjamin Dodd, Southwest Missouri
State University - "Persistence of acquired resistance of largemouth bass to
glochidia of a unionid mussel"
2005 Symposium Committee Chair: Kurt Welke
Budget - Heidi Dunn
Registration -
Jennifer Sauer
Local Arrangements -
Susan Rogers and Mark Hove, tours - Mike Davis
Communications - Ken
Lubinski and Bernard Sietman
Program - Greg Cope
Plenary - Kevin
Awards - Katherine
Web page pictures -
Mark Hove and Kurt Welke
Thanks to the committee for putting on a wonderful symposium!