Systematic Research Collections (Recent & Fossil Mollusca) - museum collections, curators, and collection managers from around the world (maintained by Kevin Cummings, INHS)
Illinois Natural History Mollusk Collection - searchable collection database (maintained by Christine Mayer & Kevin Cummings, INHS)
Bibliographies, journals, newsletters...
Freshwater Mollusk Bibliography - A searchable database of over 11,000 citations on freshwater mollusks worldwide. Compiled by Kevin Cummings, INHS, Champaign, Art Bogan, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Tom Watters, Ohio State University Museum of Biological Diversity, and Chris Mayer, INHS, Champaign
Molluscan Journals - A list of the "Instructions for Authors" from a variety of malacological journals, Claus Hedegaard (, Museum of Paleontology, Valley Life Sciences Building, University of California, Berkeley, California
Photos and videos
Unio Gallery - Chris Barnhart, Missouri State University - mussel life history with awesome photos, video, and more!
Aquatic Epidemiology and Conservation Laboratory – Jay Levine and Chris Eads – NC State University – Life cycle videos and photographs of North Carolina’s freshwater mussels
Regional guides, checklists, keys, surveys....
Freshwater Gastropods of North America Project - Information of the FWGNA Project spearheaded by Rob Dillon, College of Charleston.
Freshwater Mussels of the Midwest - Kevin Cummings & Christine Mayer, INHS
Field Guide to the Freshwater Snails of Florida - Dr. Fred Thompson, Florida Museum of Natural History
Northeast Florida Aquatic Mollusk Checklist - Harry Lee's inventory of the freshwater (including estuarine*) mollusks collected in Northeast Florida (the counties of Nassau, Duval, Clay, and St. Johns) by Harry G. Lee from 1975 to present.
Checklist of the Aquatic Mollusca of Illinois - Kevin Cummings & Christine Mayer, INH
Freshwater Mussel Surveys in New Jersey - New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
North Carolina Atlas of Freshwater Mussels and Endangered Fishes - John Alderman, Judy Johnson, & LeighAnn McDougal, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
Texas Mussel Watch - Texas Parks and Wildlife, Texas Nature Trackers Program
Dallas, Texas Freshwater Mussels - Very nice photos from the North Texas Conchological Society
Field Guide to Survey and Manage Freshwater Mollusk Species (Oregon & Washington) - Terry Frest & Edward J. Johannes (scroll down for a pdf file of the Field Guide)
Aquatic Epidemiology and Conservation Laboratory North Carolina State University - Freshwater Mussels
Freshwater Mussels of the Upper Mississippi River

Geological Survey of Alabama Bulletin 187 By: Rebecca A. Bearden, Patrick E. O'Neil, Stuart W. McGregor, E. Anne Wynn, Gregory H. Pierce, and David G. Herder
Mussels of Venezuela - Kevin Cummings & Christine Mayer, INHS
Freshwater Molluscan Shells - Martin Kohl. Very nice pictures of South American species.
Freshwater Bivalves of Poland - Association of Polish Malacologists
Checklist of Austrian Mollusca - Wolfgang Fischer, Vienna. This list was first published by P.L. Reischutz (1998) in Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen Gesellschaft 6: 31-44.
The Malacological Society of London Molluscan Forum
Checklist of New Zealand Mollusca - Andrew Spurgeon
Endangered species
Teaching Ressources
All about Malacology: Collection of Resources - A collection of malacology teaching resources for different age groups.
Molluscan glossary - Nature Mapping's compilation of molluscan terms
Professional societies
American Malacological Society (AMS)
Conchologists of America (COA)
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Society for Conservation Biology
UNIO Listserv an unmoderated Internet listserver focusing on the biology, ecology and evolution of freshwater unionid mussels. The list is sponsored by the U.S. FWS ( or
To join send a blank email message to
Conch-L The "Conchologists of America has established the Conch-List, CONCH-L, the first Listserv expressly for shell collectors." "Conch-L will provide a forum for conchologists, indeed, for anyone with an interest in mollusks, to discuss any topic related to conchology."
Molluscan Evolution Listserver The Mollusca listserv is probably the best source for online academic discussions on mollusks. This site has information on the discussion group, subscription instructions, and an archive of posted messages
Commercial musseling
Pearls - U.S. Geological Survey
Exotic species
New York Sea Grant National Zebra Mussel & Aquatic Nuisance Species Clearinghouse
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force - Another task force with many tasks - The Nation's Invasive Species Information System
Invasive Species Program of the USFWS - A busy bunch these
Surf Your Watershed - Information on rivers across the U.S.
USGS Surface Water Data - Real Time data on stream flow, etc.
American Rivers - Information on stream conservation
ACME Mapper - Maps of the world with topographic coverage of the United States.
Getty Thesaurus of Geographical Names - A searchable place names database from the Getty Research Institute.
U.S. - Information on a wide variety of topics for all of the counties in the U.S.
NASA's Visable Earth - Cool maps from the guys and gals at NASA
North American Native Fishes Association - NANFA is dedicated to the enjoyment, study and conservation of the continent's native fishes
American Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists (ASIH)
American Fisheries Society (AFS)
USGS Nonindigenous Fish Distribution Information
Link pages
Links to All Provincial and State Wildlife Agencies - A great link site from NANFA
Zoological Record - Mollusks links from the Zoological Record Home Page
Vettechnicians: Digital library of learning resources for veterinary professionals and people with an interest in animal welfare