2002 FMCS Propagation and Restoration of Freshwater Mussels Workshop

March 14-15, 2002
Shepherdstown, West Virginia

The FMCS Propagation and Restoration Workshop was held March 14-15, 2002 at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. This 2-day workshop provided a forum and an educational opportunity for conservation professionals and others interested in the propagation and restoration of native mussels. Topics addressed included culture methods, habitat requirements, conservation genetics, and regulatory issues. Native mussels are symbiotic with fish, and the participation of hatchery and fisheries management professionals was strongly encouraged.


Thursday, March 14, 2002

 1) Introduction and overview.
 2) Mussel reproductive biology.
 3) Care of adult mussels.
 4) Handling and transforming glochidia.
 5) Transformation in vitro versus use of host fish.
 6) Culturing juveniles in recirculating systems.
 7) Culturing juveniles in raceways.
 8) Nutrition.
 9) Diseases and predators.
10) Habitat.
11) Genetics issues.
12) Genetics methods and resources.

Friday, March 15, 2002

 1) Regulatory issues.
 2) Fish and Wildlife Service policies.
 3) Nature Conservancy initiatives.
 4) Reports of ongoing projects, including those at Genoa National Hatchery, Mammoth Springs National Hatchery, Warm Springs National Hatchery, White Sulphur Springs National Hatchery, and others.
 5) Technique demonstrations.
 6) Panel discussion.

Abstracts (PDF 68 K)