2nd FMCS Symposium
March 11-14, 2001
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Biological Assessments: Evaluation of Endangered Mollusks
The second symposium of the FMCS was held at the Westin Convention Center in
downtown Pittsburgh. The talks and posters covered several general topic areas
including Biological Assessment, Status Surveys, Reproduction/Propagation, Life
History & Ecology, Methods, Assessment & Conservation, and Evolution & Phylogenetics.
Attendees also had a chance to visit the Carnegie Museum, the new Pittsburgh
Aquarium, and local populations of Pleurobema clava and Epioblasma torulosa rangiana, or
spend an afternoon with taxonomists and anatomists learning more about clams
and snails. Even social events included a "blues party" and a lively
auction (to support graduate student travel). Committee meetings were held throughout
the symposium; new chairs and co-chairs were selected for each committee. Outgoing
President Paul Johnson welcomed Kevin Cummings as the new society president.
The next symposium is scheduled for March 2003 in Raleigh, North Carolina. Two
workshops are planned for 2002: mussel propagation in Sheperdstown, West Virginia
(March), and gastropod conservation with the American Malacological Society in
Charleston, South Carolina (August). The 2001 symposium was coordinated by Tom
Proch and hosted by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Although currently almost entirely North American in its membership, the FMCS continues to invite and encourage
worldwide participation. We would especially welcome new members from the museum-based community and researchers
from any broader discipline with a molluscan
Meeting abstracts are available in a PDF file (258K)
Parts of the meeting description were taken from Rob Dillon's symposium summary - thanks Rob!