Copies of the "Freshwater
Mollusk Symposia Proceedings" edited by Tankersley, Warmolts, Watters,
Armitage, Johnson, and Butler are now available. The volume contains papers
from the
"Conservation, Captive Care, and Propagation of Freshwater Mussels Symposium" held
in Columbus, Ohio in 1998 and the "First Freshwater Mussel Conservation
Society Symposium" held in
Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1999. Copies (hardbound) can be purchased for $40
(+ shipping and handling) from the Ohio
Biological Survey.
Freshwater Mollusk Symposia Proceedings
Tankersley, R.A., D.I. Warmolts, G.T. Watters, B.J. Armitage, P.D. Johnson, and
R.S. Butler (editors). 2000. Freshwater Mollusk Symposia Proceedings. Ohio Biological
Survey, Columbus, Ohio. xxi + 274 p.
Part I. Proceedings of the Conservation, Captive Care, and Propagation of Freshwater
Mussels Symposium
Oxygen consumption by juvenile Pyganodon cataracta (Bivalvia:
Unionidae) in response to declining oxygen tension. R.V. Dimock, Jr.
A protocol for the salvage and quarantine of unionid mussels from zebra mussel-infested waters.
Gatenby, C.M., P.A. Morrison, R.J. Neves, M.A Patterson, and B.C. Parker
The correlation of mussels with fish in the upper Blanchard River in Hardin and Hancock counties, Ohio,
with special regard to the rayed bean (Villosa fabalis).
Hoggarth, M.A., D.L. Rice, and T.L. Grove
Considerations for conducting host suitability studies.
Hove, M.C., K.R. Hillegass, J.E. Kurth, V.E. Pepi, C.J. Lee, K.A. Knudsen, A.R. Kapuscinski, P.A. Mahoney, and M. Bomier
Reproductive seasonality of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) in Texas.
Howells, R.G.
Augmentation of natural reproduction by freshwater mussels to sustain shell harvest.
Hubbs, D.
Reintroduction of native freshwater mussels using in vivo and in vitro propagation techniques.
Milam, C.D., J.L. Farris, M.L. Barfield, J. Van Hassel, and L.D. Yocum
In vitro transformation of Lampsilis siliquoidea: A suitable species for glochidial
and juvenile research.
Myers-Kinzie, M.
Use of on-site refugia to protect unionid populations from zebra mussel-induced mortality.
Nichols, S.J., M.G. Black, and J.D. Allen
New or confirmed host identifications for ten freshwater mussels.
O'Dee, S.H., and G.T. Watters
Host suitability and utilization in Venustaconcha ellipsiformis and Venustaconcha pleasii
(Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the Ozark region.
Riusech, F.A., and M.C. Barnhart
Differential sensitivity of hooked (Utterbackia imbecillis) and hookless (Megalonaias nervosa)
glochidia to chemical and mechanical stimuli (Bivalvia: Unionidae).
Shadoan, M.K., and R.V. Dimock, Jr.
Investigations of the byssal gland in juvenile unionids.
Smith, D.G.
Growth and survival of juvenile and adult freshwater mussels in the Partitioned Aquaculture System.
Starkey, R.W., A.G. Eversole, and D.E. Brune
Fluorescence techniques for evaluating the lipid content of larval and juvenile mussels.
Tankersley, R.A.
Design, construction, and evaluation of a laboratory-scale recirculating aquaculture system for the captive care of freshwater mussels.
Tankersley, R.A., and S. Butz
Glochidial release as a function of water temperature: Beyond bradyticty and
tachyticty. Watters, G.T., and S.H. O'Dee
Part II. Proceedings of the First Freshwater Mollusk
Conservation Society Symposium
Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling by freshwater
mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in a headwater stream ecosystem. William R.
Davis, Alan D. Christian, and David J. Berg.
A survey of the pleurocerid snails of South Carolina.
Robert T. Dillion, Jr., and Eugene P. Keferl
Development of strategies for sampling freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae).
Heidi L. Dunn
Evaluation of recent unionid (Bivalvia) relocations and suggestions for future relocations and reintroductions.
Heidi L. Dunn, Bernard E. Sietman, and Daniel E. Kelner
Viability of glochidia of Utterbackia imbecillis (Bivalvia: Unionidae) following their removal from the parental mussel.
Ginger R. Fisher, and Ronald V. Dimock, Jr.
The recent decline of the native mussels (Unionidae) of Copper Creek, Russell and Scott Counties, Virginia.
Stephen J. Fraley, and Steven A. Ahlstedt
The utility of DNA sequences to aid the identification of rare or problematic species of freshwater mussels.
Kevin J. Roe
How much excavation is needed to monitor freshwater mussels?
David R. Smith, Rita F. Villella, David P. Lemarié and S. von Oettingen
Effect of flow rate and temperature on algal uptake by freshwater mussels.
Kevin R. Stuart, Arnold G. Eversole, and David E. Brune
Changes in the mussel fauna of the middle Red River drainage: 1910 - present.
Caryn C. Vaughn
Results of a survey for selected species of Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda) in Georgia and Florida.
Charles N. Watson, Jr.
No premating reproductive isolation among populations of a simultaneous hermaphrodite, the freshwater snail Physa.
Amy R. Wethington, Edward R. Eastman, and Robert T. Dillion, Jr.
Competitive interactions between early life stages of Villosa iris (Bivalvia: Unionidae) and adult Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea).
Mindy M. Yeager, Richard J. Neves, and Donald S. Cherry
Special Contribution. Freshwater Mollusks as Indicators of Water Quality
Freshwater mussels and water quality: A review of the effects of hydrologic and instream habitat alterations.
G. Thomas Watters