Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 FMCS Symposium will be held virtually from Monday, April 12 through Wednesday, April 14, 2021. This is a new concept for many of us and we will be interested in what members think about it. The meeting theme is BACK TO THE FUTURE: THE VIRTUAL UNKNOWN. The goal for this symposium is to focus on how humans and freshwater systems can coexist to ensure the long-term persistence of freshwater mollusks. The symposium will bring together regulators, researchers, consultants and enthusiasts in a forum that will allow for collaboration opportunities and information exchange. This meeting will feature a mixture of live (synchronous) and web-posted (asynchronous) contributed oral and poster presentations and events. The live ZOOM events will include a Board meeting, a plenary session, two breakout-room committee meeting events, two theme-based networking and social breakout-room events, and the Business Meeting, and will occur between 11 am and 5 pm Eastern time (U.S.) each day.

The FMCS is a not-for-profit, dedicated to the advocacy and conservation science of freshwater mollusks. The FMCS symposium provides a great opportunity to network and build relationships with conservation professionals from state and federal government, industry, and conservation organizations. The Society has a membership of 500, and 250 members generally attend the biennial symposium. These professionals are constantly working to conserve mollusks, and we need your help. We are requesting monetary sponsorship to help defray the costs of the meeting.

Basin >$2,000 Five Complimentary Registrations, Logo on Website Registration Page and in the Symposium Program.
River $1,500 - $1,999 Four Complimentary Registrations, Logo on Website Registration Page and in the Symposium Program.
Stream $1000 - $1,499

Three Complimentary Registrations, Logo on Website Registration Page and in the Symposium Program.

Eddy $500 - $999 Two Complimentary Registrations, Logo on Website Registration Page and in the Symposium Program.
Mussel $250 - $499 One Complimentary Registration, Logo on Website Registration Page and in the Symposium Program.

For any question, contact Alan Christian, FMCS treasure and 2021 Symposium Co-Chair (

The following payment is based upon acceptance of this Sponsorship Agreement by the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society (FMCS) and is not subject to cancellation, except by the consent of both parties, as indicated in writing.

Fill out online form below, or download PDF form, and email to Alan Christian ( Thank you.

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The FMCS reserves the right to approve, at its sole discretion, all Sponsorship applications. By submitting this Agreement and payment information, you are hereby acknowledging acceptance of all the terms and conditions stipulated in this document and agree to make full payment of your sponsorship contribution immediately by credit card or within thirty (30) days of receiving the invoice.

Sponsorship Benefit Specifications, Terms and Conditions
A sponsorship is secured only on receipt of the payment and payment is due within thirty (30) days of receipt of the sponsorship agreement. Please make checks payable to Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society. All payments are final and no refund will be issued. By completing and submitting the Sponsorship Agreement, you give consent to FMCS to collect your personal information in order to process your form, to maintain contact with you, and to send you information related to FMCS projects and activities. This consent may also include the sharing of such information with a third party for the purposes of managing certain aspects of sponsorship activity.